Cast: Sheena Rose Video: Hard Fuck a Girl in the Pussy Genre: BDSM, bondage, Sexual Disgrace, sexualdisgrace, Sheena Rose Studio: Sexual Disgrace Year: 2020
I awakened on the bare bed once more and also my wrists tied behind my back. The good news is my legs were totally free yet my Master came in prior to I can get away. How does he obtain me here? I have to know. Regardless of just how much trash I speak to him, he penalizes me, puts me about, smears my spit around my face as well as tortures me with his hard rock boner. He threw me throughout the bed to do so with such convenience. I enjoy being manhandled, covered in spit and pussy and also mouth aching from a lot penis. I believe I debate for that really reaction. The even more I yell at him, the rougher he gets with me. I get terrified often he may do something more than he does, something I actually can't manage. That's why I stopped talking yet lured to talk back again. I think he likes it. He provides me a huge balmy lots of his wonderful man juice every single time I provoke him up and take his penalizing penis. I recognize I please my Master.